Easter Sunday found us in church! For those that know us, they know this is a rare occurance! We were there to celebrate Easter with family and to celebrate the dedicaion of our granddaughter, Lilly SheRie.
After church, we were invited to Becky's Parents' house for Easter lunch. Diana out-did herself. We had sandwhiches, veggies, fruits, deserts and an asparagus salad that was to die for!
After the adults got done eating, Jackson had an Easter egg hunt. Poor little man had 5 adults trailing around behind him, three with cameras. At one point, when he was opening the plastic eggs, he got a little disgruntled with candy being in each one. Rick decided it would be funny to reload a couple that he didn't find with rocks. That made for one very little confused and disappointed little boy. On his own, he decided that Doug and Diana's dog, Jasmine, had traded the candy for the rocks. Then it was a race to find the rest of them so that Jasmine couldn't do that to any more. It was so funny.
The following photos are my favorite ones of Jackson that I took that day. He has such a photogenic face with those gorgeous, long eyelashes!

Have a great day!