Also, on Saturday, I found two wonderful books at yard sales. The first one is the "Thimbleberries Big Book of Quilt Blocks" by Lynette Jensen. I love Thimbleberries. One of the first quilts I made was one of her patterns that had bird house blocks. Made it for my mom. She collects bird houses. Patterns are wonderfully illustrated and easy instructions! Score!
On a great note, I got a visit from one of my favorite co-workers today. Not that I don't like/love most of my co-workers. Ms. Heather Barnes is just one of those great people. Awesome treat!
I am plugging away on my new bedspread! I have almost completed basting it and have chosen a hand quilting theme, but I will wait to share it. I am also still plugging away on my "Grandmother's Flower Garden" wall hanging. So moving, but at least moving forward.
Great news, our wild/middle child Cassie left yesterday to return to Anchorage, Alaska. Her fiance Chris, proposed to her on Friday night. Did all the proper stuff like formally asking Rick for her hand in marriage and the down on one knee to ask her. Awesome. Now Rick and I are pricing 3 tickets to Anchorage around July 24, 2010! I am so excited. Who knew that young men still respected parents enough to formally ask. Both of our boys asked their father-in-laws, and now one of our son-in-laws has.
Have a great day!