Saturday, January 02, 2010

One Little Word 2010

One of my favorite bloggers/creative people is Ali Edwards. I have followed her since she first posted in Creative Keepsakes. Ali is so uplifting as well as creative! I have chosen to take part in her "One Little Word 2010" project.

My word for 2010 is "Breathe".

I was reminded a couple of days ago by Hannah that I am a pessimist. And without much soul searching, I knew she is right. I am the "sky is falling" chicken through and through. I try to over-manage myself as well as my family. Plan for the worst has been my motto for a long time.

So I have decided to change that by reminding myself to breathe, to take life as it comes and live in the moment. Not sure that is exactly how that is going to happen, but isn't that part of living life in the moment?"

So now when I feel the need to yell "the sky is falling", I will remind myself to breathe and live in the moment-no matter what the moment brings.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice. I recently read a quote that resonated with me, it said, When faced with a difficult situation, instead of asking how can I get out of this, ask yourself what can I get out of this.
    I hope your word will bring you much peace and growth this year!
